

Financial literacy is a core skill to possess and utilize towards financial comprehension, financial goals, and financial freedom. There are several techniques to utilize, and the most important is budgeting. 

A budget is the map to navigate your income, expenses, debt and savings. It guides you to achieve your goals and keep you on track financially.

Whether you are a business, a family, or an individual, it is important to have a budget to plan your daily, monthly, and/or annual finances. It is also a tool to assist you with creating short and long term goals and be able to follow the progress along the way. 

Let’s assist you and bring you closer to you goals!

Budgeting for individuals, families, self-employed, and small businesses.

Please contact us to discuss your needs and develop a plan that suits you.

Free 15-minutes phone consultation, BOOK NOW!

Topics discussing budgeting and financial literacy. 

Workshops will be available virtually or in-person.

Please follow us for workshop announcements. 

We are happy to announce the collaboration with Mike Hsu, a financial professional and a veteran in the industry for over 2o years. 

As a Certified Financial Planner (CFP) and Advisor, Mike has assisted individuals and families to reach their financial goals. Whether it is retirement, investments, buying a home, children’s education, or simply savings, Mike has the knowledge, tools, and products suitable for you to achieve your goals.

Don’t wait & start securing your future now. To learn more, contact us and book your appointment now!


A strong society requires a strong support system. Whether you are a newcomer or a citizen, everyone has their own unique needs to fulfill and achieve. You might need consultation, language support, referrals, assistance filing out forms, employment services, or just basic information. You have arrived to the right place to have these needs met.

Let’s work together to find the convenient solutions you are seeking!

BC Housing and Housing Applications

Citizenship Application

Canada Child Benefit (CCB) Application 

Canada Pension Plan (CPP) Application 

Daycare Applications 

  . Government Subsidy Application

Employment Insurance (EI) Application

Food Bank Application

Family Maintenance Enforcement Program (FMEP) Application

Canadian Guaranteed Investment Certificate (GIC) Application

Medical Services Plan (MSP) Application

Old Age Security (OAS) Application

Passport Application

   . Renewal Application

Permanent Residence Application

   . Renewal Application

School Registration Application

Travel Document Application

Welfare (Income Assistance) Application


More Application Types:

Please contact us to discuss what application(s) do you need assistance with.

Please connect with us to discuss your personal needs.

Free 15-minutes phone consultation, BOOK NOW!

Connect with us to discuss your employment needs such as:

  • Resumes
  • Cover Letters
  • Interview Skills
  • Job Applications

And more!

Free 15-minutes phone consultation, BOOK NOW!

Language support is offered by experienced interpreters and translators. Please contact us for more details about your language requirements.


For more information about the the languages available, please contact us.

Referrals that best support your needs will be offered.

Please contact us to discuss your needs.

Community and social related topics will be available. 

Workshops will be available virtually or in-person.

Please follow us for workshop announcements.